The objective of the Pest Management Programme is the maintenance of pest-free conditions in all areas of the site. The following approach should be taken to all pest control and pest prevention issues, that being:
- Exclusion – refers to the methods adopted in preventing pest entry into a site.
- Restriction – refers to the methods used in creating unfavourable conditions for pests to harbour and breed.
- Destruction – refers to the physical and chemical methods that are commonly used to control pests.
The requirements of pests
Most sites provide three main attractions for pests:
- Food – Most pests actually require very small amounts of food – an adult mouse for example, can survive on as little as 3 grams a day.
- Warmth – A few degrees increase in temperature may be sufficient to encourage infestation, particularly in winter months. With most species of pests an increase in temperature generates a corresponding increase in breeding frequency and numbers.
- Shelter – All sites provide some degree of shelter or harbourage for pests. It is commonly assumed that older sites are more attractive to infestation.
The presence of pests outside of their natural sites is unacceptable for their effect in:
- Spreading of disease.
- Damaging to property.
- Advertising public opinion and loss of reputation.
Concerns for the environment and the requirements by regulators for improved practices in the industry have meant that new methods to control pests have had to be devised which create a major consequence to switch from a reactive control strategy to one of Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
The services of a pest control are often engaged as a means of demonstrating “due diligence”, choosing Contra as your pest contractor will prove to you that we are the best in the field.