IPM is not a single pest control method but, rather, a series of pest management evaluations, decisions, and controls. There are five steps to IPM. Each pest management job must be analyzed separately. The five basic steps are involved:
- Inspection.
- Problem Identification.
- Reasons.
- Pesticide application.
- Estimation.
Before taking any pest control action, IPM first sets an action threshold, a point at which pest populations or environmental conditions indicate that pest control action must be taken. The level at which pests will either become an economic threat is critical to guide future pest control decisions.Inspect the site is essential to solving pest problems quickly and economically. It includes asking questions to the customer and examining the premises thoroughly to learn as much as possible about the problem. During the inspection, our professionals look for the harborage areas of pests, conditions of moisture, heat, or darkness that favor infestations, food & water that can be used by the pests, probable means of entry of the infestation (such as incoming foods, open sewers, and possibly many others.) Also Our professionals look for evidence of infestation (such as damage, droppings, tracks, and actual specimens or their cast skins). Monitoring is the part of the inspection process that enables our professionals to obtain an estimate of the pest population level, which will indicate the severity of the pest problem. The inspection will also give our professionals some idea of the measures that may or may not be used, safety precautions that may be necessary, and when the work can best be done.
Problem Identification
Not all insects, weeds, and other living organisms require control. Many organisms are innocuous, and some are even beneficial. The Contra IPM program works to monitor pests and identify them accurately, so that appropriate control decisions can be made in conjunction with action thresholds. This monitoring and identification removes the possibility that pesticides will be used when they are not really needed or that the wrong kind of pesticide will be used. Once the pest is found, our pest professionals positively identify it in order to proceed. Positive and accurate identification many times is needed to make a thorough evaluation of the problem and an appropriate recommendation for control.
Once the pest has been identified, it will be easier to inspect for other evidence of infestation, harborage areas, and the means by which the pest gained entry. Knowing the reasons that encourage pests presence in the site through inspection help us in successfully controlling the pests.
Some reasons that our team look into within the customer’s site are:
- Openings, cracks, crevices in the walls and floors and around doors and windows: good shelter for insects and their eggs to be there.
- Drains and manholes without net or cover: A source (entry points) for pests to exit through it to the site.
- Remaining food, water, and rubbish in the site: attractives to the insects and rodents to get in the site.
- Unused tools and materials accumulation: A Suitable environment for the presence of insects and rodents.
- Doors and windows without a net: A source for flying insects to enter through.
Our professionals’ knowledge of the biology and habits of the pest will help in identifying the reasons for presenting the pests to ensure successful control.
Pesticide Application
Suitable treatment measurements for certain pests will be used (certain dosage in the accurate site) to get the best results. Treatment may include sanitation and harborage removal services, the use of traps or other mechanical devices to catch or prevent pests from entering, and any other activity used to eliminate pests and prevent their recurrence. Treatment may also involve the use of pesticides . Our pesticides are chosen to be appropriate to be used for any pest situation involved. We use the safest pesticides available. Our pesticides are from leading international manufacturers, and are accredited from Universal Public Health Organizations, registered at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Ministry of Agriculture in Jordan.

Our final step in Integrated Pest Management is Program Estimation. After adding pesticides and materials, the Contra team will inspect them in certain follow up programs until it solves the problem and protects against it. Pest population levels must be continually monitored. We care to keep our customers advised on matters of sanitation and how to prevent new pest problems from becoming established, and any recurrence of the pest problem should be attended to before it becomes serious. A recommendation for eliminating the pest problem will be made by our professionals only after the inspection has been completed and all the facts surrounding the problem are known. The recommendation will include not only what our professionals can do for the customer, but also what the customer should do in the way of harborage elimination, building repairs, sanitation, and so forth to make the control program a more successful and lasting one.

The services of a pest control are often engaged as a means of demonstrating “due diligence”, choosing Contra as your pest contractor will prove to you that we are the best in the field.